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  • Child Molestation

  • Campus Sexual Assault

  • Forced Prostitution

  • Rape

  • Therapy/ Massage Groping


Nonconsensual and unwanted sexual contact causes trauma and leaves emotional scars, even if the assault is not violent.  Those who suffer from sexual assault or rape – whatever their age or gender – often feel guilt, shame and fear.  Survivors often require significant assistance in healing from the emotional wounds from the assault, to learn to trust themselves and know when they are safe.

Ronan Esq. believes that the most important truth in representing sexual assault survivors is that it is not their fault.  Still, some wrongly believe that survivors miscommunicated with the assailant, to give a false impression of permission. 


Ronan Esq. is committed to destroying those falsehoods from popular perception. 

Regardless of whether a survivor brings criminal charges, the survivor has two years after the event or after reaching age 18 (in Arizona) to bring a civil lawsuit against those responsible. 

When the assailant is a teacher, coach, minister, co-worker, boss, or certain other types of people, the survivor may be able to bring a case against both the assailant and the assailant’s employer, parent, or corporation. Because there are more people who could have prevented the assault, there are more people who can be held legally responsible for the harm.


The emotional wounds caused by sexual assault can last for years, and Ronan Esq. wants to help.

Ronan Esq. is committed to speaking for victims and placing the blame the only place it belongs.


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